Saturday, December 15, 2007

Our Raw Food (almost) Lunch!!

(Recipes to follow)

Cheesecake with cho. crust ~by Elizabeth~ from the "Raw Food Gourmet"

Process 2 c. soaked, rinsed and re-dried (or unsoaked) walnuts with 1/2 c. raw cacao beans peeled and ground (or just use cocao)and 1 Tbsp agave and sprinkle of sea salt unrefined. press into pie plate.

Filling:Blend 2 cups raw mac nuts rinsed, 1 cup pine nuts rinsed, 1 cup almond pulp left over from making almond milk, juice of 1-2 oranges, juice of 1 lemon, 1/4 agave, packet of stevia, 1/2 tsp. vanilla, 1/2 tsp almond extract, salt to taste. top with strawberries. yum!

Monday, December 10, 2007


My Sis add Cinnamon to her apples she dehydrated and said it helped "lower the insulin level" ??? and was quite tastee!....NO! leftover lunchbox lettuce doesn't count!! tsk tsk!!

Saturday, December 1, 2007


I made a snack the kids actually liked today!
sliced pears and apples with the mandolin (really thin)
spread on dehydrator sheets
spray with fresh squeezed lemon juice
dehydrate to desired crispness
If you don't have a dehydrator you could try setting the oven at the lowest temp setting, propping the door open with a hot pad and setting an oven thermometer in the oven and monitor it. I never had much luck with this but it is worth a try.....